All reports have the birthday coming off as a success. We’re old now, don’t do a whole lot anymore, so there was not the vigorous feztivization that might have occurred years earlier. Instead, Wife of Fezboy! fielded calls from all over the U.S. of A. from well-wishers and celebrants. Better gift than Fezboy! could muster all on his lonesome.

Today we continue the birthday feztivities with a bit of local theater. In that vein I finally completed one of the two outstanding (in more ways than one) reviews so that I will not fall too far behind. Tomorrow is the drive-in! Woo Hoo!!

For now though, it is work and then mentoring. I caved in and purchased a "parting gift" for my kidlet. I hope he isn’t too disappointed with the scholastic nature of the items, but I am his mentor after all. What should he expect?