
Truly nothing better than to come home from a crap day at work to learn that the Belgian Wit was fermenting with such vigor as to blow the top off the airlock with krauseny goodness. The fermentation room smelled like beer and the bucket lid looked like the closing shot from some circle jerk pr0n…

Belgian Wit

After a fun morning of yard work (who ever heard of mowing the yard before April?), a dog meet up in the circle, and racking the peach wine we endeavored to brew up a yet to be branded Belgian Wit. Judging by the smell test administered via the airlock this morning, it promises to be…

Iowa State Fair

I really want to participate in one of these contests this year. This will firmly establish my Iowegian citizenship and cement my love of the state. So far the outhouse race looks pretty fun but I’m game to try pretty much anything.

Goal: Make Beer

This weekend I want to brew but I cannot decide. We’re 3 for 5 assuming something strange does not wreck havoc on the Son of Nutter. The two failures were a Belgian wit and an oatmeal stout. I love a good wit and I also love a good stout. I’m leaning wit right now for…

Mr. Lawrence T. Rogers

Epic Rap Battles of History #13 is pretty much awesome. Got there cruising the YouTubes after watching Will the Real Mitt Romney Stand Up? which is, regardless of your political leanings, a pretty well produced mashup.

Spam and eggs

Getting more and more convinced that there has been a disturbance in the force. Weird Facebook status update emails and now some out of the blue SMS spam. It’s not the first time ever so we’re still in the realm of coinkydinks but as the day goes on the more I feel like everyone’s favorite…

Two unrelated things…

First: Weird coincidence time! I’ve been reading Zodiac where one of the baddies is a company named Forex. I got spam today from a betting service named Forex. There was a weird moment where I couldn’t figure out why a betting service was dumping PCBs and why they wanted to contact me. Like maybe they…

Peachity peach

Like I said, we played brewery all weekend long. The last thing we accomplished was setting up to make peach wine. The must is currently airing out and the fabulous Elizabeth will add yeast tomorrow and get things cooking. Here’s what we did: Ingredients 96 oz peach cubes and juice 48 oz peach pureĆ© 3.75…