The Hangover

There must be something in “your dad’s beer” that isn’t in the beer I would normally drink. I was about as useful as a wet towel yesterday. On the other hand, I went from the last third of season four all the way to the first two episodes of season six in my Breaking Bad…

Random things

Here are some random things that probably deserve their own posts but life has conspired against this. I walked in to the men’s room at $LOCAL_GROCER–a 1 and 1 set up. There was a pair of legs visible under the stall wall and the urinal was empty. The odd thing? The stall door was wide…

Justice League

I always feel like I’m rabbiting away at the Hall of Justice when I get email from Super-User. Even if it is just a reminder than I need to update my password.

Late night build support…

While composing a detailed “you broke the build and here’s how, but you’re not here so you’ll see this in the morning and have to answer the gnashing and wailing from the angry horde of testers” email, I was chatted up by hotandhorny13. I did not blur the URL to the probable malware site linked.…

Chewing Rags

After not a whole lot of talking on the mobile (and my only currently functional) rig in the last month, I’ve had a couple of good chews in the last 24 hours. First I hooked up with my pops (KD0INW) last night on 2 meter. He was in Lincoln and I in Bellevue. We used…

Forehead Meets Desk

So I am joined into an IM session by my scrum master with one of our special needs developers. He [the special needs guy] cannot check out code from the repository. Ostensibly something I’d be in a position to help with as I run the access rules this iteration. So we go through troubleshooting away.…