Spent the entire evening wandering around the blogs of others. Now the feelings of inadequacy gently rip at my ego. Never fear, making a fool of myself has never stopped Fezboy! before. I only wish someone would come to my blog. I feel like Kilgore Trout – making love to the world with the windows…

Egads! How does the time fly? Fezboy! spent a wild and crazy weekend in the thriving metropolis of Chicago. Upon arriving back in Flowertown, I have been busy getting projects together for school and baseball. However, it is no excuse. Regular posts to follow . . .*he says with renewed committment* Youshoulda seen the guys…

Sorry, not much time this morning. The raccoons were back last night. Back, hell, they live in the attic now. They were doing some kind of landscaping up there or something. The burrowing lasted for most of the night. I kept expecting one to dig through their floor (my ceiling) and land in me lap…

Raccoon Update

I think they made it in last night. Sometime around 3:30 this morning they really went to work on the eaves over the bedroom window. I looked out the window at one point, and there were two of them scratching and ripping at the loose board. They seemed unfazed by my sudden appearance at the…

Thought I’d just cash in my chips last night after my attempt to manipulate the table layout kept ending in heartache. Then I had another stupid though. So I stayed up well past my bedtime schlocking together my second blog. Good God, two blogs, when will it end? Not to worry though, I won’t be…

Okay, so I’ve been trooping along on my graduate school application. Good Lord, why does it have to be so stupid? All I want to do is hide from the work-a-day world for a few more years and go completely into debt again (after paying off the old undergrad degree just last summer). Should it…

Yes, I am a style nazi. It hurts to know this, but this is the first step to recovery.