Nutty for nutter!

Courtesy of Butter, we brewed up another batch of the Black Squirrel Nutter. The first one was such a hit and it was gone far too soon. Everyone agreed that we needed to do that again. So after sufficient recovery from the previous night’s festivities had happened (and thanks, Jeremy, it was awesome to be…

Pouring and details

Here’s the end result. 2012B01 A.K.A. Black Squirrel Nutter. She’s lovely, brown, and crisp/sweet with a moderate nuttiness. Stats: OG: 1.051 FG: 1.016 ABV: 4.7% Bottles remaining: 21 as of right now. Yikes! Between gifts, graft, and personal consumption, that’s half the batch in less than a week. Time to make more beer! Maybe this…

Released into the wild

It’s been a bit of a wait, but the first reviews of Black Squirrel “Nutter” have been favorable. This is the second ever batch brewed by Circle Bar Brewery, which is a fancy way of saying me and my compatriots. Special thanks to Dan, Doug, and Gavin who stopped by and helped while away the…