The Slog

For the second day in a row, my commute (normally ~25 minutes) has pushed up past the 75 minute mark. I hate commuting. I hate driving. I hate the people who drive in my state. Anyway, here’s a view:


In the O RLY department we have this job posting on Craigslist. Among the responsibilities are developing systems that will meet the company’s needs and participate in business meetings to identify and understand the company’s goals and objectives in order to develop a system that will meet the company’s current and future business needs. So,…

Back to the Grind

So it looks like I took a goodly amount of time off, not only from work, but from blogging. I buried myself in holiday celebrational activities like eating and visiting with relatives and playing games and programming at 3pm in nothing but a bathrobe. The highlight of all this fun? I put a ball and…

Stormy and the Like

The ice wasn’t too horrible out here and the snow has been nice. Then again I didn’t clean off the driveway before heading off to work. Work that started at noon. Feeling really mellow and listening to a lot of Brubeck today. It’s nice. Last night was an interesting night on the desk. Was propositioned…

Something Weird

You know what’s weird? Seeing a blog entry written by someone and having them reference you as “their boss.” Even if that is technically true—that person does work for me—it just gives me the willies. I never wanted to be anyone’s boss. I just want to write code and see what goofy crap can be…

Reasonably lacking in fun

What passes for the mothership-in-law will be staying with us this evening.  Here are some ways in which this promises to not be fun: She self-diagnosed her sinus infection as a mini-stroke Incessant demands for all and sundry to “feel my forehead.  Isn’t it hot?” Requests to “just hold my hand” made almost as frequently…

An Extra Hour

Probably my favorite day of the year…the day we get the extra hour moving from Daylight Saving to Standard time. Oh yeah! So I spent the extra hour revamping the blog a bit. While I was high on the blue background with wacky box thingers and on involving the dogs for some reason, I like…

A Dolphin Named Tired

When I was a much younger man, I went on a family vacation to Worlds of Fun. It was maybe the first or second time I’d been there and it was mostly as advertised. Then again, I was 15 going on 16 at the time—an age more or less squarely in their target demographic. The…