I’ve just spent about 90 minutes looking at the HTML5 and CSS3 specs for the first time. Brain asplode! My stories of web development headaches/heartaches from ten to fifteen years ago have to sound like the infirm rantings of an age-ravaged mind to anyone who has picked this stuff up in the last few years.

Cascading super funtimes

Dicking around with CSS is kind of fun when there isn’t any deadline and you’re doing it for yourself. A rather pleasant way to spend a rainy fall evening. And the site may even look a little snazzier to boot.

Holy Tagmaster, Batman!

How long has it been since I’ve written CSS? Quite the stroll down memory lane today as I prettified some XSL transformed XML reports. Relatedly, I’d forgotten just how short browser implementation has come on the promise of serving XML and letting the client render things prettily. I’m all for stopping XSS attacks but good…