Good DX

Was able to make two international contacts this evening and they couldn’t have been more different. First was a gentleman in Brasil who runs a veritable QSO factory. When he taps you on the head it’s call sign, name, and signal report. If he’s feeling particularly generous he’ll give you his nickname. Dude makes at…

Omsk on 20 meters

It took about fifteen minutes of calling to get through but I finally made contact with UA9MA. Gena (short for Genaddij) had an incredible signal all across North America by the sounds of it. I captured the QSO although there it is obvious I need to do some tweaking of the audio in from my…


Currently hearing KC4AAC [1] on 18.110mHz. Can’t copy it well and the pileup is beyond my little 100 watts of reach. Still, wow, radio from Antarctica. [1]