Angry lizard

This could have been sent as a followup to a theoretical conversation one could imagine overhearing in CubeLand on a day like today:

Million dollar idea

Overheard in a meeting in re sneaking alcohol onto a plane: Time release shots Perhaps I need to talk to my father about putting this together. He needs something to do in his retirement from organic chemistry.


Dudes in the next set of cubes over are discussing how lame owning a Prius is, mostly by bagging on the higher-than-most MPG a Prius gets. Because it’s so much fun to pay for gas as frequently as possible?


Completely and totally free of any actual context mind you… Overheard in some cube farm on a release day: Our customers may be completely and totally pissed off right now, but at least they’re not pissed off at our team.


Overheard in cubeland: $NATIONALITY have forty-five legal holidays a year. That’s almost one a week. The point this person was trying to make: $NATIONALITY are soft The point I took away from that statement: Jealousy

A two-fer

A banner day for overhearing in the cube farm: [That guy] must get offended at the very idea of a functioning system In re the Winter Classic Next year they need to go the next step and play that on an actual pond I think watching two NHL teams battle it out that way would…


When tailing a log file the appropriate verb to use when talking about the application writing to the log is ‘poop’. As in: I was tailing the log while trying to authenticate and with every request I could see it poop out an error message.

Steampunk WWW

Overheard in re: a Metafilter conversation [1] about the original cross platform web browser; a line-mode application which is essentially a TTY [2] interface. Imagine that… a typewriter that types by itself like some kind of terrible player piano. You read what it’s writing while it chatters away. And then once in a while it…