Another thing to do

Also, because I lack a comprehensive bookmark management system these days: I don’t expect many of my right-leaning acquaintances will enjoy reading this so you have been forewarned. The project? A wiki that documents the web of connections between movement conservatives and their dealings in the marketplace. There would also have to be some…

A fun little thing

The Romney campaign’s web site is coded with a bit of an open loop. It makes sense from a dynamically generated website perspective I guess. However, it’s also the sort of thing that lazy RESTful programming gets you. The idea being that you have a template that is populated by values from a data store…

Cock Block

That is a cock block, Jon Bruning. You are such a twit. Not even the minions of Chimpy McSmirk think your fascist anti-immigrant policies are reasonable. I pledge to work tirelessly for your opponent in the next election.

Jon Bruning is a twit

Bruning Takes Housing Discrimination Fight To CNN – Omaha News Story – KETV Omaha The guy was a poo-flinging, party boi back when I went to high school with him. He was a grandstanding party boi when I went to college with him. Now he is a grandstanding, poo-flinging twit who just happens to be…


Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, makes a stab a relevance. Then takes a poke at some yet unmeasured portion of his readership. I thought Dilbert got old pretty quick and even voted against hiring someone in part because this person kept reciting Dilbert comic strips as evidence of his good humor during a job interview.…