Cat vids

It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about this little animated gif: Facebook protip: follow the link back to the blog to see the animation in its full glory


Speedometer’s This is… Vol 1 & 2 album [1] is like a whole album of 70’s pr0n soundtrack cuts. Nothing overtly sleazy, mind you, just chock full of the kind of jazzy funk wah wah plus full horn line awesome that usually serves as bed music (heh) in your higher quality vintage pr0n. Makes a…

My phone comes out of the closet

So I’m sending a SMS text to a friend and I type the word ‘day’. The phone decides to auto-correct that to ‘gay’ for me. And if that weren’t enough it then suggests my next word should be ‘porn’. Is my phone coming on to me?


Today is depressing [to me] for all the wrong reasons. Staying away from the public garment rending and victimized jingoism that is social media for the next 24 hours.

One in a series

Memo to self: When doing a google image search for comical Austin Powers catchphrase related clip art at work, don’t. Unless you’re pretty strictly filtering your results list. Because, well, a whole panoply of macro images of young fillies in various states of undress isn’t really appropriate to be flashing up on one’s monitor. Pretty…