Goals past and present

I pretty much failed at 2013’s goal of tasting and grading 50 beers. I did pretty good at the front part of that goal, mind you, but it’s the second half of the process that proved difficult. I did a reasonably good job of exploring the world of Trappist abbey ales and found an IPA…

The new phonebooks are here!

To say I’ve enjoyed the Wool1 saga by Hugh Howey is an understatement. It’s probably the best long-arc dystopian fiction I’ve ever read. For a kid coming of age in Reagan’s America, I had nightmares of how living in fallout shelters might work. The numbers of generations needed to outlive the half life of nuclear…

Self-referentially awesome

So I’m reading Reamde because I happened by the CBPL and against all odds they had it on the shelf. The benefits of being one of the few cyberthriller readers in the metro area that didn’t pre-order on Amazon or just torrent the thing I guess. Anyway, there is a part where the main character…