Torvalds on security

Angry old man yelling at clouds or shrewd evaluator of priorities? You be the judge[1]. Myself? I’m on the side of shrewdness. Security, while important, is not the most important priority necessarily. It’s all about context, severity, and disruption. And when a vulnerability requires physical access or root access or replacing microcode on the CPU…

Death by fire

Yet another reason for hating on Microsoft: NTLM. Specifically, that some folks insist on running SOAP services protected by NTLM. More particularly, SOAP services that are intended to be consumed by platforms other than Windows. And especially that no cross-platform scripting or programming language has native support for NTLM. With the coup de grace being…

Bleeding heart

On the list of things that are making my life interesting at the moment and moving toward the top with alarming speed: The Heartbleed Bug [1]. Nothing like a gaping hole in the middle of one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet. [1]

Shake, I’m Radioactive

It’s weird how I am more or less ambivalent about Cory Doctorow yet have posted enough of his musings here that I’ve considered adding a Cory Doctorow tag and re-tagging all the Cory-based posts. If you haven’t read his latest musings on the Guardian on the topic of personal information gathering and unintended consequences, well,…