Peachity peach

Like I said, we played brewery all weekend long. The last thing we accomplished was setting up to make peach wine. The must is currently airing out and the fabulous Elizabeth will add yeast tomorrow and get things cooking. Here’s what we did: Ingredients 96 oz peach cubes and juice 48 oz peach pureĆ© 3.75…

The difficult thing…

…is going to be leaving it in the bottle long enough to properly age. We bottled the gooseberry wine last night and, per tradition, left a little in the bottling bucket to sample. And sample we did. And, well, it is a sweet (in every sense of the word) dessert wine. The gooseberry comes through…

Dry dry dry dry

Last week, or maybe it was the week before, we uncorked a bottle of the Riesling for dinner. It was so very dry which is not something we were shooting for. Others might like this however. Adding to the pain, there was a bit of fusel alcohol still hanging about. This roughed things up a…

Gooseberry wine?

Friday night we mixed up the second run of wine at Circle Bar Winery. Into the fermenter went: 96 ounces of gooseberries 4 gallons of water 12 pounds of cane sugar 1.5 teaspoons of acid blend 4 teaspoons of yeast nutrient 2 teaspoons of pectin enzyme 1/2 teaspoon of tanin 4 crushed Campden tablets Initially…

Possible label

First attempt at mocking up a label for our little winery. Still some cleaning up and aligning to do but not bad for a few hours of work if I say so myself.


The burbling through the airlock has slowed considerably. I think the yeast is running out of snackers. We should be right on schedule to rack this run some time this weekend. This brings us to a task I’ve been punting for a while now. Somehow we need to scavenge, scrounge, or rustle up about three…


Happy birthday, first batch of wine! Today was the day Elizabeth and I took the leap and began making wine at home. What started as an obsession over various homemade fruit brandies at a church auction has borne fruit, as they say. After a quick trip to Cornhusker Beverage & Bridal (no, not the world’s…