That kind of day

So among the tabs open in my browser currently: Office Space on IMDB A Google image search for “whale tail women” A Google image search for “unnaturally polish -nail -finger -toe” It’s been that sort of day. I don’t know what category it gets sorted into, mind, but whatever category that is, this day gets…

Dubious victory

Is there really a sense of accomplishment in clearing the “immediate needs” support list just so I have time tomorrow to sit through two classes on secure coding and write my annual self-evaluation? Definitely unrelated: have I recently grumbled about how much I hate the make-work foo-fah that is the annual self-evaluation? In terms of…

Support site hell

Go to Microsoft’s support page regarding VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 Look for a link to download VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 In lieu of finding said link, find a link “Download the latest Visual Studio 2013 update package now” Click that link Find yourself looking at the download page for VisualStudio 2013 Update 4 Pray to…

Roosting at home

All those years I advocated for doing XML namespaces by the book. We’re going to want to do stuff with namespaces in the future. All those years no one else thought there was no way we’d ever want to do that and that namespaces introduce unnecessary complexity. All those years of being outvoted. Today, bitches.…

That moment when

That moment when you’ve managed to crawl so far back up the rabbit hole of interrupts that you forgot what you were working on before the interruption just satisfied. I cannot remember if there is another question I’m supposed to be answering or task to complete or if I can go back to doing code…


This is eerily great and horrible all at the same time. Conference call ambiance [1]. I’ve listened to it for a few hours and it totally enhanced my flow since working felt like I was ducking a horribly long meeting.