Later life Kinko

Came up on Spotify radio based on my Rock ‘n’ Surf Sensabilly [1] playlist: The Sonics – Dirty Old Man [2] Awesome! [1] [2]

Yeast poop

[Y]ou’ll feel like you were poisoned…which you were. [1] [1]

ASL Mashups

The original post at Metafilter links to an awesome video mashup of a Jehovah’s Witness anti-masturbation tract done in ASL and R. Kelly’s Ignition remix. The recommended viewing that YouTube adds to that is also pretty much great. However, the very best thing in that thread is an ASL interpreter at a Black Eyed Peas…


If you were upset by wasting 3 minutes of your life with the Slinky video, prepare to be absolutely pissed with this one. Hunch hunch. Wha whaaa? Buh ho.

Mr. Lawrence T. Rogers

Epic Rap Battles of History #13 is pretty much awesome. Got there cruising the YouTubes after watching Will the Real Mitt Romney Stand Up? which is, regardless of your political leanings, a pretty well produced mashup.