Woke up this morning after a night of turbulent rolling in bed. I think I might be coming down with what the wife has been sufferring through for the last few weeks. I can feel the snot building behind the eyes and I can only wait for the dam to break and the goo to come flooding out. That would be a relief in many ways, I suppose, perhaps it would no longer feel like a railroad spike had been driven behind each eye. Anyhoo – not to be too whingy the first few times out (again).

Today should be extra nice. Melissa is working a half day, and I – not at all. After bliggity-bliggity-blogging for a bit, I’ll shower and then do a little spring maintenance on the bicycles. Not the hoary old in-town commuter bikes, but the full on sleek road bikes. We’re going on our first ride of the season. It’s a bit late in coming, but I generally am in all things. Hey, watch your mind! We’ll probably take the camera and shoot the last roll of b/w film. It’s really gray out today so that might not provide the best opportunities for shooting. A ride out to Nashville is not out of the question. It’s a lovely ride, fairly short, but not really a tourist destination for the "please, no more country crafts, please, I beg of you" crowd. There is an excellent climb about two-thirds the way there and at the top you can oogle a picture perfect, lush valley with a big red barn in the foreground. It’s postcardesque.

Oh, and my welcome back wasn’t particularly coherent last night so I’d like to take this opportunity to say, welcome back. The updates should happen more regularly now. I’m out of school for the semester and I have removed Fezboy!’s blog from the Blogger tit. Things are now run by a series of server-side includes and a bit of shifting now and again. I hope to figure out if my ISP supports backend database functionality. If so, I will automate this whole process over the course of this summer. Also, be on the lookout for subtle design shifts and new features as we go along. Currently the design is based on a significant use of Cascading Style Sheets, although I have resorted to a basic table structure to help support the <div> layout in Netscape 4.x. Hopefully this browser will die out soon and I can remove the crutches from the whole thing. At that time it will be super groovy and adapt to the user’s (that’s you, buddy) browser window width. The folks at c.i.w.a.s. will be so proud. I should confess that I share many of the same views and attitudes expressed in c.i.w.a.s. and this site will reflect these views. The concession of adding the table to support the page structure was difficult and I cannot guarantee that it will be around much longer.

So, make yourselves at home. Drop me a line and let me know what you think of the new look and the new "guarantee" of regular updates. It is a pleasure to have you here.