Total brainwarp this afternoon. A trip to the public library yielded texts on relational databases using FileMaker Pro 5, two excellent introductory texts on XML, and an interesting read on Apache servers. The proverbial technology ship has come in here at Monroe County Library. Anyway, it will be an interesting bike ride home this evening…

Alas and woe. Actually, hooray and mirth. Well, no, alas and woe. I have found kindred souls here at the i-cynic. I have vague inklings of scepticism, but for now I really like this site.

Woke up this morning after a night of turbulent rolling in bed. I think I might be coming down with what the wife has been sufferring through for the last few weeks. I can feel the snot building behind the eyes and I can only wait for the dam to break and the goo to…

Well, Fezboy is back. Whatever that means. . . It’s been a long time in coming, but I hope you will be pleased. Since I’ve spent the majority of this day working on the redesign, content will have to suffer. Anyway, good to see you again. More later . . .