
Snacks with attitude: Wasabi Peas, bitches. Slowly chew a handful while exhaling through your nose. You’ll temporarily forget you’re still at work.

More cmd.exe help

So you’re in cmd.exe and you type ‘ls‘ expecting to get a directory listing. Instead cmd.exe gives you the finger. You give cmd.exe the finger back. Just then your boss walks by and sees you flipping off company property. Next thing you’re in her office having a discussion on appropriate workplace behavior. Having had enough…


I think “first world problems” is the intelligentsia’s “you may be a redneck if…” To wit: If you’re complaining that your download from MSDN is running at a measly 650KB/sec average, you’re experiencing first world problems. And yet, I can’t believe how long it is taking to download some old-assed .iso so I can build…

Let the gnashing begin

The uproar over changes to Facebook—the ones where Facebook automagically filters your content for you, unbidden—this is nothing as compared to what will happen if Mashable is to be believed. /me pops up some popcorn

Holy Tagmaster, Batman!

How long has it been since I’ve written CSS? Quite the stroll down memory lane today as I prettified some XSL transformed XML reports. Relatedly, I’d forgotten just how short browser implementation has come on the promise of serving XML and letting the client render things prettily. I’m all for stopping XSS attacks but good…

SVN Deployment

Seems simple in that “WTF is up with me not doing that until now” kind of way but setting up all of your web content in SVN and then using svn export to deploy to your production server just plain rocks. Version control–which is desirable on its face The model enforces backing up–your deployment is…

Hi honey, I’m home

Looks like the migration is mostly complete. A little less painful than anticipated all things considered. Not a lot of planning up front and it looks like the main pieces came across with only minor hair pulling. I can’t believe 10 years of accumulated clutter on $OLD_WEB_HOST was this easy to move. Even if things…