Can it be autumn yet?

The last two days have had near total cloud cover and featured an appropriate amount of rain with temperatures in the decidedly awesome range (to this pasty enjoyer of cool temps). Absolutely love this weather in every single way except for one: the lawn remains unmowed and it’s going to be a bitchkitty when I eventually get there.

12 thoughts on “Can it be autumn yet?

  1. Right there with you … with the added benefit that I’ve got a crew of youngsters to handle most of the lawn mowing

  2. Do you hire them out? Because my hippie self only has a manual, people-powered lawn mower and the taller grass makes me regret that decision sometimes.

  3. Bitchkitty. Excellent use of compounding two unrelated words into a word which anyone would know immediately what you’re communication. I shall use this word, giving you due recognition at least twice. Then its mine. Ha!

  4. Nick – while the boys are usually quite enthusiastic about being paid for a task, that enthusiasm is inversely and expontentially related to the amount of work actually involved. Given my memories of the wonders of human-powered lawn mowing, I fear this may be a non-starter…

  5. /cries

    I guess I can constructively ignore the problem until the skies clear up. Just another reason to love this weather.

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