The enemy of the good

So some time right before RAGBRAI I figured out that $CURRENTISP does not block out-going port 80 HTTP traffic. This immediately got my brain to wanting to shift my platform to something JSP-like running under Tomcat on a server in my basement. Needless to say, it is one of about five outstanding projects that I totally want to do but never find time to accomplish. It’s not even close to highest priority.

Yet I tell myself that instead of posting here, I should be working on that Brave New World. So I scratch the posting itch by using Facebook (boo) and the blog loses out on all of that content.

Well, I hereby resolve to get back to posting here and pushing appropriate posts to Facebook. I like being in ultimate control of my content and when Facebook finally gives up the ghost, I won’t be missing out. So here’s to a renewed dedication to NixQuips/Same River Twice/Pixelated Miscellany/More Like This/Life of Fezboy!/whatever other titles this long-running, semi-regular blog has been published under.