Losing my edge?

So I haven’t really been actively involved in the Microsoft/Windows development crowd in years (ever?). I have gone spelunking through the KB and the MSDN site on occasion and come back scarred and generally unhelped. It’s kind of a running gag with some folks in my circle that the difference between Linux and Microsoft forums is that one is a MMORPG with lots of flaming and camping and the other is more of a FPS set in a post-apocalyptic world with you as the sole living survivor.

But because I’m actually interested in using the Microsoft Edge browser and because I am becoming quite attached to my Surface 3, I’ve joined up with the Windows Insider program. I trade my skills as a beta tester and bug writer for early access to Windows 10 and related ecosystem updates. Maybe because Microsoft is actually engaging in proselytizing instead of assimilation or maybe because it’s comprised mostly of devs feeling out the work of other devs, the community forum is a rather enjoyable place to be.

Witness threads like this one. In a Linux distro forum reading a thread that started off with a generic out-loud bellyaching would require flame retardant long johns. But in the Insider community we see a well-positioned Insider (read: guessing a Microsoft employee or contractor) walk someone off a ledge and then engage in a fruitful dialog resulting in a serviceable solution for the OP.

I don’t know that this sort of bonhomie survives the masses–if it ever gets opened to them–but for the time being this is a help forum that is actually quite helpful. I’m also jonesing for updates because they’re near to having the browser plugin framework together…and the WWW without ad blocking is seriously painful.