Support site hell

Go to Microsoft’s support page regarding VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 Look for a link to download VisualStudio 2013 Update 3 In lieu of finding said link, find a link “Download the latest Visual Studio 2013 update package now” Click that link Find yourself looking at the download page for VisualStudio 2013 Update 4 Pray to…


After several iterations of arguing the denials of my request for lxml to be installed as a Python egg, my web host finally acquiesced. I think I’m going to print this out and get it framed: Hello, I apologize for the delay. We were able to install this for you: [~/lxml-3.3.5]# CFLAGS=”-O0″ easy_install –install-dir=/xxxxx/xxxxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxxxx/python2.6/site-packages…

Why outsourcing doesn’t work so well

Oh my! So here’s my fun, work-related rant of the day. So nearly three years ago I was tasked with solving the problem of how we could install the same application on a windows box multiple times in such a way that we could isolate customer data. In short, each customer gets its own installation…


Literally reaching to unplug the network jack on my laptop so I can put it in my bag so I can leave so that I can attend a hockey game this evening and someone comes by the cube and says “Oh thank god, someone from CM is here! I need help with a production issue.”…

Things are looking gravy again

Wednesday and Thursday were depressing days at work. All of the gains from last week crumbled into a crapular pit of despair on Wednesday afternoon. And then I decided to rewrite an entire module from the ground up. This is different than refactoring in that I don’t have the time to make improvements, I’m only…

Wix is ruining my life

On the one hand, yay, job security! On the other hand, holy hell! Probably more a factor of how we initially wrote the code, but the upgrade path has been abysmal going from v3.0 to v3.6. Just today I had to rewrite almost three years of custom actions just to get the damn things to…

Passive pony request

EA: Do we want to use this value? Isn’t it excessive? Shouldn’t we be given a UI to change this value on a per client basis? Dev: The value isn’t excessive. Some progress was made but we still need a long timeout. EA: But if we need to change this value, we don’t have a…

Personal growth

Oh hooray! It’s annual review time! The time of year where we have to scramble to find a few uninterrupted hours in our busy days to fill out online forms telling folks how we think we did in the past year. How well we’ve fulfilled arbitrary goals measured with arbitrary metrics that, while relevant twelve…

Not clairvoyant yet

Another in a series of passive-aggressive comments aimed at various co-workers. I still haven’t perfected my clairvoyance skill set. Please keep this in mind when handing off tasks that only you have worked on. This will expedite task completion to levels hopefully everyone involved finds acceptable.