Things are looking gravy again

Wednesday and Thursday were depressing days at work. All of the gains from last week crumbled into a crapular pit of despair on Wednesday afternoon.

And then I decided to rewrite an entire module from the ground up. This is different than refactoring in that I don’t have the time to make improvements, I’m only trying to fix references and get around whatever undocumented crufty magic lies in .sln, .csproj, and .wixproj files. Love IDEs until I don’t I guess.

So today was the grand test, and, the answer is yes. So now the remaining trick is to cobble together something that can be referenced by consumers without breaking consumers that don’t reference the new stuff. Additional fun factor: both versions use the same file names and namespaces.


But I believe we are finally out of unknown unknowns now. From here it is plumbing.