2NP6 Coffeenomics

Three coffee pots, two regular and one decaf = one half-filled decaf, one empty regular pot sitting on a burner that is on and one nearly empty regular pot

This week:
Two coffee pots, one regular and one decaf = one half-filled decaf and one regular with barely enough coffee to cover the bottom of the pot when I go get coffee. wonder how we ended up short one pot…

Four coffee pots, two regular and two decaf = one half-filled decaf, one regular pot with half a coffee mug’s worth and two empty pots sitting on the counter

Every single damn day:
I start a pot of regular coffee and then go wandering around the campus at work looking for a floor that is better able to manage it’s coffee supply/demand.

Take up drinking decaf as there’s always half a pot laying about no matter the time of day.