5 thoughts on “Route 66 On the Air

  1. LOL. I don’t know about that. He did spend half a day giving me a tour of his shack and environs. He was really patient and a great teacher. All I did was mention that I thought I’d find the hobby enjoyable since I spent most of my [brief] military career as a ratelo. He also gave me some parting gifts in the form of a study guide and old issues of QST.

    Now that I can reach out that far, I need to go hunting for him on the air.

  2. You’re also remembered as a dead sexy redneck in various locales in the general Baumholder area…which I also take all the credit for.

  3. Wow! And there was only 120 pounds of dead sexiness then. I’ve added an (admittedly unneeded) [and perhaps detracting from the sexiness]{while contributing to the whole “dead” thing} 50 more pounds since then!

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