My Kleenix Overfloweth…

The ragweed / whatever-the-heck-it-is that is making me sneeze and snot on everything, both vertical and horizontal, absolutely needs to stop. Mowed the yard yesterday and got about three minutes into the second bag o’ grass (heh) before the uncontrollable sneezing set in. Thought I was going to blow a gasket. Went inside and grabbed…

En Vogue

Way back in the day I spent many a night in a nightclub necking with some goth chick who, in all likelihood, was probably too young. Then again, I didn’t know enough German to ask and she didn’t know enough English to get that point across anyway. Not that it all matters because what this…

Fezboy! detests choral music. "Swing choir" makes him puke. . . violently. Helping out as the coatcheck boy here at the local performing arts center I’ve had to sit through 220 minutes of ear-bleeding pep-pap. The cultural equivalent of unflavored gelatin – that’s what it is. It also brings in the locals and I don’t…

I like to drink lots of lukewarm, extra-strong coffee in a short period of time. If the coffee is strong enough, you will actually get the shakes. The associated euphoria also sparks some exciting creative thinking. If nothing else – it’s a cheap, easy, and legal high.

Trying to come up with two designs this weekend. Black Fez Productions, Conglomerated needs a new look and a bit of content. Something that can either sell BFP or sell Fezboy! to a design firm here in Flowertown. I’m getting quite comfortable with CSS layout and X-browser compatibility. I also want to start work on…

Fezboy! just had his ass handed to him in a friendly game of Scrabble.® A good game that did not feature so many extraordinary words, but ordinary words played extraordinarily. Final score: Wife of Fezboy 296Fezboy! 254

The Thunderchicken is no more. The automobile that has ferried Fezboy!’s wife for longer than he has known her himself went belly up last evening. There is some sadness in Fezdom today, but not so much as one might think. Yes, the Almighty Fez has pulled off one of the more ironical events of the…

All reports have the birthday coming off as a success. We’re old now, don’t do a whole lot anymore, so there was not the vigorous feztivization that might have occurred years earlier. Instead, Wife of Fezboy! fielded calls from all over the U.S. of A. from well-wishers and celebrants. Better gift than Fezboy! could muster…

Unbinding Isaac was the latest production of the Redmoon Theater. This company is what theater is all about in my book. Geeeawd it’s tasty theater. The show is a meditation on the biblical story of Abraham who, for those of you who did not have to suffer through endless hours of catechism, was the bloke…

It has not been another quiet week here at the SOL. There are two redesign projects that hang over my head in an "impending doom" sort of way and I just got handed another graphics request. Okay, so I admit it. I don’t have the greatest of skill when it comes to designing graphics. It…