More botting

I’ve been having a bit of fun with my bot still. There’s a bit of user tracking in place. There’s a bit of data caching going on. There’s a little interactivity. It’s not finished by a long shot, but I’ve really enjoyed coding with a purpose for a few days at least. I’ve also had…

My latest obsession? Writing an IRC bot. If I’m relegated to hanging out in my own channel by my own lonesome, at least I’ll have a bot to keep me company. The digressions of writing an IRC bot are endless. Sort of like writing your own Siri or Google Assistant, but with your own brand…

A redo

RAGBRAI 2018 overnight towns announced! I’ll get a chance to redeem myself after last year’s shellacking the weekend before RAGBRAI. Onawa -> Denison > Jefferson -> Ames -> Newton -> Sigourney -> Iowa City -> Davenport. There’s a few heavy hitters for overnights this year with Newton just outside of Des Moines to go along…

My new project: create a bunch of odd, free-association Google News Alerts. That way, if one of those things comes to pass, I’ll be the first to know. I thought about this after receiveing an alert for “Council Bluffs levee break” that I had set up when last the Missouri was a couple of dozen…

The fire? It’s over here, guys

While the world rails on about the stable genius that is the current occupant of the White House, this little number seems like it should be blaring from every news channel 24/7. Chinese slowing/stopping purchase of US T-Bills The short of it? China no longer feels that US sovereign debt is a safe investment. The…

Blowing snow

Jocularity at the NWS

Have you ever read the National Weather Service Forecast Discussions? Because if you haven’t, you’re missing out on some entertaining commentary. While my (and I’m assuming everyone else’s) expectation of this sort of writing would be staid and professional, I’ve noticed a jocular sense of humour with at least some forecasters. Take the discussion of…

One regret

I regret that I have but one Friday lunch to give to Blatterday. I also regret that I did not go with the Old Rasputin on nitro right off the bat. In other news, Friday afternoon is going really slowly.

Cutting the social media cord

I’m finally doing it (again). It’s going to stick (this time). While I have enjoyed having distance-mediated contact with friends and family through sites like Facebook I am officially canning my accounts. The platform lock-in is stifling innovation. The social graph meta information is being used with malcompetence. The media filtering has magnified the destruction…