The Beating Path

Yesterday was a banner day on the employment front…


So I spent all afternoon cleaning up after the behavior of an ostensibly professional member of the staff who, for whatever reason, decided it would be a good day to pull a psychobilly freakout on one of the more valuable members of my crew. This person gets old. Real fast. And no one at this fine institution does anything about it. Whatever it is she’s been drinking, I want some of that because if I could go around unhinged all day at work I would. So much easier. How the hell does she get away with it?

So today will prove to be exciting. In at 0700 for desk hours. More desk hours from 1200 – 1800. Likely more desk hours from 2100 – 2400. That’s 10 hours at the desk + 4 hours for actual work today. The sucktitude of this job escalates daily. The commitment I have to finishing the redesign project before seeking greener pastures is inversely related in a 1:1 ratio. The Auntship has been circulating tempting offers in my direction. It’s only a matter of time before one breeches the barrier.

On the other side, Elz is still fighting the chest cold which produces frequent and painful-sounding coughing. Sleep is difficult to come by. We do enjoy the new TV though. I never really thought much of HDTV but the difference truly is amazing. Seriously. And I hate TV.

Well, there is contract work to churn out and then actual work to be seen to. It’s a partial rant but I’m engaging in self-censorship because this URL is intimately tied to my professional existence. I’d start a blog elsewhere but I already have problems keeping this one going…