Forehead Meets Desk

So I am joined into an IM session by my scrum master with one of our special needs developers. He [the special needs guy] cannot check out code from the repository. Ostensibly something I’d be in a position to help with as I run the access rules this iteration.

So we go through troubleshooting away. For twenty minutes. I cannot reproduce his problem even using his authentication credentials. We’re at the part where I ask him to use the command line to do his checkout—and if you knew this special needs person, you’d know I’m asking quite a bit here.

Just then, and I shit you not this is 20 minutes into the troubleshooting I get this on IM:

special needs guy [4:52 PM]:
the OK button is now enabled. Seems pretty wierd but it stays dithered unless you enter something into the checkout directory – using the browse button to place a path there does not enable it

special needs guy [4:53 PM]:
I am good to go now